Last call registration is closing in
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Larian Merdeka 66 Tahun
Running Period
8 July - 31 Aug 2023
6KM & 66KM (accumulative)
Any safe place, any free time
Activity Accepted
Run, Jog, Hiking, Walk, Step Count, treadmill
Disallowed Activity
Cycling, swimming
Delivery Start
1 Aug 2023
Jom kita semarakkan lagi sambutan Merdeka kali ini dengan larian virtual run..
Jika anda daftar selepas 8 Julai, anda boleh guna larian sebelum register bermula 8 Julai 2023.
2 jarak: 6KM & 66km
Ada 2 Kategori: Individual & Team
Team: Min 3 pax/team or max 11 pax/team. Min individual 6KM and min total terkumpul 66KM untuk group.
Individual: Boleh pilih 6KM atau 66KM
Top 3 runner dengan jumlah larian terbanyak akan menerima trophy yang di perbuat daripada glass (berat anggaran 1kg lebih).
Top 3 team dengan jumlah larian terbanyak akan menerima trophy yang di perbuat daripada high quality hard wood (berat anggaran 0.5kg lebih).
Please read FAQ for more info!

Kits Delivery
Penghantaran baju/medal untuk batch 1 & 2 bermula 1 Ogos 2023 bagi pendaftaran sebelum 30 June.
Individual Category
- Participants have the option to choose between two distances: 6 kilometers or 66 kilometers.
- The top 3 runners who cover the greatest distances will be honored with a trophy.
Team Category
- RM6 cheaper fee for each participating member, compare to individual category.
- Teams must consist of a minimum of 3 participants and a maximum of 11 participants to be eligible for the event.
- In order to qualify, each team needs to accumulate a minimum total distance of 66 kilometers.
- Individual participants are required to achieve a minimum accumulated distance of 6 kilometers.
- The top 3 teams with the highest accumulated distances will be awarded a trophy, which will be presented to the captain of each winning team.
All kits will be delivered to one address, specifically the captain's address.
Team Registration
The RM6 discount off for team registration. The shown fee is discounted fee. You don't need to do anything unless you have another voucher code.
To register simply repeat the process of “Add To Cart" for each participant in your team.