Lari La



Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd and the Partner Company are not responsible for the way you use Lari La Platform or practice sports.

This Platform is operated by Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd. Please always practice sport activities securely. It is your duty to get appropriate insurance coverage and medical certificates to practice sports under your sole and exclusive responsibility.

Individuals who access to the Platform and any use of the Services automatically implies acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.


Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd means the company registered (Registration No.: 1468810-H) operating Lari La Platform.

Lari La Platform means the website available at and the corresponding mobile applications (both IOS and Android), namely Lari La.

Partner means any third party with whom Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd has an agreement to advertise offers on the Lari La Platform.

Account means an account created by the registration of any real person to the Lari La Platform.

Member means any person who registers onto the Lari La Platforms.

Offer means a promotional offer advertised on the Lari La Platform that may be redeemed with the Member’s Distance Points.

Personal Information means any information collected by Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd in the process of providing Members Lari La platform’s services. This may include, but is not limited to, the Members name, email address and running data.

Distance Points means the distance accumulated by Members, through Lari La’s collection of running data from Lari La’s Apps or the Member’s nominated running App.


A Member of the Lari La Platform must be a natural person. If a Member is under the age of 18 at the date of registration onto the Lari La platform, their registration confirms that they have the consent of their parent/guardian.

Members may register by using their email address and creating a password with at least eight (8) characters, this will give the Member access to their Account. Members may register via their personal Facebook account. In this case, the Member authorises Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd to collect information from their Facebook account. This information is will be collected and used in accordance with Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd’s Privacy Policy.

Free Nature of the Platform

The services provided by Lari La are provided to Members free of charge. Members have no obligation to purchase any product/service advertised on the Lari La platform.

Distance Points

Members may accumulate Distance Points by monitoring their sporting activities through the use of one of Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd’s partner Apps.

Refunds and Returns

Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd takes no responsibility if for any reason a Member is not satisfied with an Offer redeemed through Lari La. Any complaints or concerns about an Offer must be communicated directly with the Partner that provided the Offer. If a Member believes that there is something wrong with the Offer redeemed, a replacement product/experience will be offered under the Terms and Conditions of the relevant third party Partner.

If the relevant third party Partner that provided the Offer has deemed it appropriate to refund a Member’s Distance Points, the relevant Partner will request a refund of Distance Points from Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd Whether these points are refunded is at the complete discretion of Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. BhdFizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd will not refund Distance Points merely because a Member has changed their mind about the relevant Offer. In the event that Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd refuses to refund Distance Points, the Member will remain entitled to the Offer that was originally redeemed.

Termination of Account

A Member can terminate their Lari La Account at any time by sending an email to Termination of an Account may take up to seven (7) working days to be finalised. Upon termination of an Account, the Member will lose all accumulated Distance Points, and will not be able to have access to these Distance Points by registering again with Lari La


The Terms and Conditions may be modified at any time without prior notification by Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd in its absolute discretion. Despite anything to the contrary contained in this document, any modification to the Terms and Conditions may be applied to a Member retrospectively.


Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd will not accept any liability for any email communication to any Member that is misdirected, lost or not received. Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd will not accept any liability for any technical issues that may cause damage to any computer or electronic device related to or used in connection with Lari La. Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd will not be liable for any tax liability incurred by a Member in connection with Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd, including that incurred in the provision of redeeming Offers.


Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd may collect Personal Information from Members for the purpose of facilitating the Lari La Platform and purpose. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.

  1. The privacy of your Personal Information is important to us. All Members’ Personal Information will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
  2. We are required to collect your Personal Information in order to process your Account and to communicate with you about your Account. If we cannot collect from you the minimum amount of Personal Information required, we will not be able to process your membership, and your registration may not be accepted.
  3. Where you provide any Personal Information to us about any other person in connection with your membership, you confirm that you have the consent of such other person to provide their Personal Information to us and they consent to the handling by us of their Personal Information on the basis of our Privacy Policy.

      A. Passwords

  1. Members acknowledge that their email and password give access to their Lari La Account, including all Personal Information recorded in the Account. Any person in possession of the Member’s email and password may access and change the Member’s Account. By sharing their email and password with any person, the Member agrees that Lari La may share the Member’s Personal Information with that person and update the Member’s Personal Information in accordance with instructions received from that person.
  2. If a Member forgets their password, they can visit the Lari La Platform and request an email be sent to their email account, containing a link to reset their password.

       B. Collecting Information

  1. At times, we are required to collect personal information in the normal course of providing services to our customers.
  2. Also, we make use of “cookies” on our platforms. A cookie is a small software message sent to your web browser by our web server. Your browser stores the message in a file and the message is then sent back to our servers each time your browser requests a page from our servers. We use cookies to gain statistics on which areas of our sites attract traffic. We also use cookies to improve your experience of our websites.
  3. For example, cookies allow us to recognise whether or not you are returning to our websites. In addition, we make use of third parties who use cookies to serve ads based on past visits to our website. This may allow us to alert you to products or offers which we think you might be interested in viewing.
  4. Most Internet browsers are set up to accept cookies. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you will need to adjust the settings of your browser to refuse all cookies or to notify you each time a cookie is sent to your computer.
  5. When you click on links and banners on our sites that take you to third-party websites, you will be subject to that third-party’s privacy policies. While we support the protection of privacy on the internet, we cannot be held responsible for the actions of any third-party websites.

      C. Type of Information

  1. We may collect the following information from you:

              a.      Your name and contact details, such as your physical address, email address and phone number;

                     b.      Your gender, birthdate and occupation;

                     c.       Your company name (if applicable);

                     d.      The name of the domain from which you access the internet;

                     e.      The date and time you access our sites;

                     f.       Your running statistics and data;

                     g.      The internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our sites; and

                     h.    Other information you may supply to us.

       D. Purpose of Collection

  1. We use the information to customise our services and plan product development so that we can provide you with relevant consumer information and notify you of products and special offers that may be of interest to you across Lari La and any of our Partners.
  2. We use your running statistics and data to transform them into Distance Points that can be redeemed on the Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd Platform.

      E. Share Information to Third Parties

  1. We may disclose information we hold to our directors, officers, employees and other associated companies for business purposes and marketing or remarketing purposes through our websites or other social media channels. Some of our associated companies with whom we share personal information may be located overseas.
  2. We may also disclose information to third party service providers or contractors. The countries this information may be disclosed to will vary from time to time, but may include Malaysia and India.
  3. Sometimes we use third party platforms and services to process sales, store and analyse data and information, provide web support, send marketing messages, deliver products or otherwise deliver information. These services are hosted and managed by organisations other than ourselves, and some of these services are hosted overseas. We use products and services maintained in Malaysia and India.
  4. Your personal information may be stored in a secured and encrypted form overseas (e.g. in data storage and cloud computing facilities operated by us (or by third parties on our behalf)).
  5. Where applicable information is shared with these third parties, they are obliged to observe the confidential nature of such information and are prohibited from using any or all of this information other than for the purpose for which it was provided.
  6. We will disclose information to a law enforcement agency if we are requested to do so by that agency in relation to suspected unlawful activity.
  7. By redeeming Offers that involve Lari La’s Partners, members agree that Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd may provide the Member’s Personal Information to the relevant third party in order to fulfill the request and related purposes.

       F. Personal information access

  1. You may review, change or delete Personal Information related to your use of our website. To access your information, simply sign into your account, click on your name on the top navigational menu and select “edit my profile” this will take you to “My Profile”. If you would like to know what information we hold about you please contact our Privacy Manager via the details set out at the bottom of this page.
  2. If you discover that there is an error or information is missing, please update your details online by signing on and visiting “Edit my profile” and editing the relevant details.
  3. We will try to ensure that all information we collect, use or disclose about you in accordance with this Privacy Policy is accurate, complete and up-to-date. We expect that you will promptly notify us of any changes to your personal information.

       G. Anonymity

  1. You have the option of using a pseudonym when dealing with us so as not to identify yourself fully to us. Please bear in mind, however, that we will be unable to provide certain services to you unless you disclose your correct identity.

       H. General

  1. By using our website, you are consenting to the collection of information by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Please note that we reserve our right to amend, remove or vary this policy without notice. You should check this page regularly to take notice of any changes we may have made to this policy.

       I. Privacy complaints

  1. If you believe that we have breached your privacy rights in any way, or you would like to discuss any issues about our privacy policy please contact us at
  2. All such enquiries or complaints will be taken seriously and handled with impartiality and discretion.
  3. If you wish to submit a complaint, please provide us with all relevant details such as the date and time of the incident or communication, the circumstances surrounding the event and your concerns about what was said or done. You will also receive an acknowledgment from us within 7 days confirming receipt of your complaint.
  4. Once you have submitted your complaint we will assess it to determine whether or not you have complained about a privacy issue which is covered by the relevant privacy laws. If you have complained about something which is not appropriately dealt with under privacy law, we will write to you and explain why our Privacy Manager is unable to address your complaint.
  5. If you have complained about something which the relevant privacy laws cover, we will thoroughly investigate all aspects of your complaint including ascertaining the relevant facts and what your expectations are for any resolution. During our investigation, we may need to seek further information from you as to the nature of or factual circumstances surrounding your complaint.
  6. We will endeavour to respond to you at all times promptly and to offer a practical solution that is consistent with our legal obligations.

Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd reserves the right to withdraw, cancel or vary the Offers without notice and at any time. Offers can only be redeemed in Malaysia. Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd reserves the right in its absolute discretion to exclude certain Offers and promotions from being redeemed by using Distance Points.

If a Membership is terminated from Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd, all outstanding and future Offers will no longer be valid and will be rendered null and void. All Offers have an expiry date at which point they will no longer be available for redemption. Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd reserves the right to change the expiry date of any Offer at any time without prior notice.

Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd will not be held responsible or liable if Offers cannot be redeemed for whatever reason but specifically, in the case of a technical failure of software or hardware or an EFTPOS malfunction. Certain Offers can only be redeemed once. If this is the case it will be indicated on the Offer page on the Lari La Platform. If you try to redeem one of these Offers more than once this will be later declined and our customer support team will be in contact with you.

Consent to Receive Direct Marking and Other Marketing Communications

The Member consents to receiving marketing and promotional communications and material from Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd by email, text message (or other digital service), phone or post, subject to the Privacy Policy and obligations under applicable law.

Contact Between Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd And Members

Where Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd must give a Member notice of anything concerning Lari La, Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd will be taken to have given the Member that notice if Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd:

  1. gives that notice in any way permitted by the Terms and Conditions; or
  2. sends the Member an email communication to any email address specified in the Member’s Account, whether or not the email address specified in the Member’s Account is up to date.

Members will be responsible if they do not receive a communication from Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd because the Member’s Personal Information is not up to date. Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd and Members agree that email will satisfy any requirement for written communication. Any electronic communication Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd sends to a Member will be taken to be received by the Member on the working day after Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd sends it to the email address specified in the Member’s Account. Any electronic communication a Member sends to Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd will be taken to be received on the working day after the Member sends it through the online feedback form available at the Lari La Platform or to the email address specified in the Terms and Conditions for that type of communication.


In its absolute discretion, Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Lari La Platform at any time. The Terms and Conditions are to be read in conjunction with any additional conditions associated with Offers. In the event of any discrepancies, Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd’s decision in its absolute discretion will be final and binding. Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd’s decision in relation to all matters arising in relation to Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd Is final and binding. Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd has the right to in its absolute discretion terminate the Account of a Member.


These Terms and Conditions are governed by the Malaysian law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Malaysian Courts. The parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of its courts and courts of appeal from them. The parties will not object to the exercise of jurisdiction by those courts on any basis. The governing law will apply irrespective of where the Member completes their application for Fizzicle Tecniqa Sdn. Bhd and where the Member submits that application.

